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Leave of Absence

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) provide employees with leave from work for their own or their family's medical needs, including time off to care for a new child.

FMLA/OFLA laws strengthen your rights to take such leave and guarantees that your health benefits will continue while you are on leave.

To view eligibility guidelines, detailed information about leaves and how to apply, please visit the Leave of Absence section of the PPS website.

In most cases, health benefits will continue during an approved FMLA/OFLA Leave of Absence, for as long as you continue to meet the eligibility criteria Trust benefits and you continue to make payments for your contribution amount.

If you are on a FMLA/OFLA Leave of Absence without pay, you will need to self-pay your monthly contribution amount. Contact the Trust Administrative Office to get self-pay instructions and/or set up automatic payments.

Remember - You are not required to disclose personal medical information for you or your family members to anyone except as required by the FMLA or OFLA for leave approval purposes. Contact PPS HR/Benefits for more information.