When you first become eligible:
Enroll within 31 days after you’re notified that you’re eligible. If you miss this deadline, your next opportunity to enroll will be during Open Enrollment (or during bi-annual enrollment if you are an ATU Type 10 Driver), unless you have a major life change.
When Annual Open Enrollment takes place:
This is your annual opportunity to enroll for benefits or change your benefit options, if you are eligible, and add or drop dependents if you’re already enrolled. If you are eligible and do not make changes during Open Enrollment, your current benefit coverage automatically continues in the next Plan Year.
Important! Substitute Teachers: If you are enrolled, but do not meet eligibility requirements for the upcoming Plan Year (October 1—September 30), you will not participate in annual enrollment and your benefit coverage will automatically terminate on September 30.
ATU Type 10 Driver Bi-Annual Enrollment:
If you are an ATU Type 10 Driver, you will be notified if you are eligible to enroll during bi-annual enrollment for benefits coverage from October 1 – March 30 or from April 1 – September 30. If you are eligible and have already enrolled, you do not need to enroll. Your benefits coverage will roll over.
When you have a major life change:
Qualifying events in your family (marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, disability, etc.) or changes in employment status or other health care coverage may allow you to enroll dependents and/or make Plan changes midyear.