How NOT to Catch a Cold

Go on the offensive against germs, and keep cold and flu viruses from spreading to you. Here’s how:

  • Stop it. People touch their faces an alarming 16 times per hour. Every touch can spread germs dangerously close to our eyes, nose and mouth, making us sick.
  • Wash. A lot. Use soap and warm water … and take the time to do a good job. When you can’t wash, use a hand sanitizer.
  • Hands off. When you touch things others have touched, their germs can transfer to you. So try not to touch things like railings, door knobs, light switches, shared pens, counters, money, credit card kiosks, shopping carts, magazines, and so on …
  • Use a fork. Stick to foods you don’t eat with your hands. If you do eat a sandwich, wrap a napkin around it to keep your hands off the food. (And always wash before you eat!)
  • Go clean crazy. Use alcohol-based wipes to disinfect surfaces that are exposed to germs. Sanitize eyeglasses, phones, and anything that you touch with your hands and then put near your face.
  • Keep it to yourself. Cough and sneeze into your elbow to minimize the spread of germs.
  • Hold your breath. Near someone who coughs or sneezes? Try not to breathe until you are 10 feet away.

There’s no magic bullet. Many people say Vitamin C, echinacea, goldenseal, zinc, other supplements and probiotics boost your immunity, even if science doesn’t prove their effectiveness. You can try them, but keep in mind that healthy habits are your best defense against viruses like colds and flu. When you eat right, sleep well, exercise regularly and avoid stress, you keep your immune system strong.

This year, make it a clean fight against germs. This video shows you how.

Beat the Holiday Blues

The season of joy does not bring out the holly jolly in everyone. An uptick in social events, family expectations, holiday traditions, money worries, and the long, dark days of winter are overwhelming and stressful to about 14% of people.

The holiday blues are a form of mild depression. Symptoms may include feeling excessively tired, not wanting to do the things you usually enjoy, isolating yourself from others and generally checking out.

Taking good care of yourself can help you feel better. Eat healthy, exercise, get enough sleep and limit alcohol. Connect with friends and talk about what’s troubling you. Be open to new holiday traditions and try volunteering to help others.

Talking to a counselor can also help you sort out what’s troubling you and identify solutions. Your benefits include up to five free, confidential counseling sessions through the Employee Assistance Program per situation per year. (PAT Regence Participants: You also have access to behavioral health counseling services via MDLIVE: online, by mobile app and phone.)

If your feelings of sadness continue or get worse, make an appointment to see your doctor, who can rule out any physical causes and recommend an effective treatment plan that helps you return to feeling like your old self again.

Win Your Resolutions

January 1st is approaching … and that means it’s almost time to make New Year’s resolutions. If you pledge to eat healthier, exercise regularly and lose weight next year, you’re in good company. Everyone recognizes these resolutions as the foundation of a healthy life, which is why about 35% of us vow to do at least one of them every year. You have a secret weapon that can help you be in the elite 20% who keep their resolutions this year. Your health plan gives you access to member-only resources that are designed to help you achieve your healthy goals. Click to learn more:

It’s a Whole New Year

Remember Open Enrollment? Any changes you made then will take effect when the new Plan Year begins on January 1 (for Substitute Teachers, the new Plan Year began October 1).

Whether you changed your benefit coverage or kept all your current choices, it’s a good time to make sure you’re getting the most from your benefits.

That’s easy on Click Use Your Health Benefits, then choose your bargaining unit and status to access your benefit information. Here’s where you can:

  • Click to your Health Plan carrier’s site to register, log in, get your ID card, search for a provider in your network or view your coverage information.
  • Click to your Prescription Drug Plan carrier to register, log in, get your ID card, find a participating pharmacy or start home delivery.
  • Click to your Dental Plan carrier to get your ID card or view your coverage information.
  • Click to your Vision Plan carrier to register, log in, find a participating provider, get your ID card or view your coverage information.

Remember, when you want to use your benefits, shows you how.

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