Relationship Between Continuation Coverage and Other Coverage
Your continuation coverage will terminate if you become entitled to Medicare or other group health coverage after your continuation coverage election. The only exception is if the other medical coverage contains a pre-existing condition which applies to the individual seeking to continue coverage. If your Medicare or other group health coverage already existed when you elect continuation coverage, however, you can be eligible for both.
Generally, if you have coverage under a Trust-sponsored plan, based on the continuation coverage, and you are entitled to Medicare based on age or disability and no longer have current employment status, Medicare will pay first and the Trust will only pay secondary and coordinate with Medicare. Current employment status means you are still at work or have received short-term disability benefits for less than six months. If you have Medicare coverage based on end stage renal disease and have Trust coverage, the Trust will pay primary during the 30-month coordination period provided for by applicable law. If you have other group health coverage, that coverage will pay primary and the Trust's continuation coverage will be secondary.
If you participate in Kaiser or Providence, the terms of those policies will govern the relationship between your health coverage and other coverage.