IT’S TIME TO TRY VIRTUAL CARE: Discover What You’re Missing

If you haven’t tried a virtual doctor’s visit—by video on your computer or smartphone app, or by phone (no video)—here are five compelling reasons to consider it the next time you need health care:

  1. Convenience. See a doctor from wherever you are within minutes:
    • Regence & Kaiser Permanente: 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
    • Providence: 7 days/week, 8 am-12 midnight
  2. Save time. Skip the drive to/from the doctor’s office (and avoid the germy waiting room).
  3. Professional care. Talk to a board-certified MD licensed in your state.
  4. Get a prescription fast. If needed, the doctor will send a prescription to your pharmacy.
  5. Save money. You pay $0-20%, depending on your Health Plan.

Whether you need medical or behavioral health (counseling) care for yourself or your enrolled dependents, virtual care is an idea whose time has come.

Please see our Virtual Care Infographic to get details on covered conditions and your Plan’s coverage.

YOUR MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS, TOO! It’s as Important as Physical Health

Check out the Your Mental Health Matters, Too! infographic to see how your benefits make it easy to get help when you (or someone you love) is suffering from a mental health issue, like depression, anxiety or eating disorders. These conditions are real, common and treatable.

Every year, 1 in 5 adults experience a mental health condition…but less than half get the help they need.

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers you and your family members five free counseling sessions (via online video chat, phone, email or in-person) per situation per year. Sometimes that’s all you need to get back on track.

Your Health Plan also covers mental health care—including virtual counseling sessions via online video, smartphone app or phone, so you can talk from the convenience of your own home. Please see our Your Mental Health Matters, Too! infographic for details.

Not sure if you need help? This confidential online quiz is a quick and easy way to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition, and the next steps to take.

ENROLL ONLINE: Get It Done by November 1

During Open Enrollment (October 14-November 1), eligible Active and Early Retiree members may enroll or make changes to your current enrollment for benefits for the 2020 Plan Year (beginning Jan. 1). The “how-to’s” are in your mailed information packet, or you can get the details online:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “How to Enroll” under GET ENROLLED on the home page or from the main menu under ENROLLMENT. (Be sure you select your correct group and status to get your information!)
  3. Scroll down and follow the four steps to enroll

New this year: Active employees can enroll online from any location. But first, while you are in a PPS building and connected to the PPS Wi-Fi network, complete the two-step authentication process. It’s easy to do, just follow the instructions in Step 3 on, How to Enroll.

(Early Retirees: Please use the printed form in your Information Packet to enroll or make changes.)

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