Medical and Prescription Drug Coverage
This section describes the eligibility requirements for the Trust's Early Retiree Plan medical and prescription drug options. Different requirements exist and different retiree options are available depending on the bargaining unit from which you retired.
The Trust has two retiree eligibility categories. The first is for retirees who are eligible for a contribution from the District toward the cost of the retiree coverage. The second is for retirees who are eligible to participate in an early retiree option but who do not qualify for a contribution from the District toward the cost of the retiree coverage.
Early Retirees — Eligible for District Contribution for Retiree Coverage
In defined situations, collective bargaining agreements that provide for participation in the Trust for eligible retirees and require that the District make contributions to the Trust for early retiree medical coverage.
The Trust retirement programs will not be available to future retirees based on collective bargaining agreements. Below are the Sunsets for the different bargaining groups:
June 30, 2014 – End of retiree benefits, other than self-pay if between ages 55 and 65 when retire from the District
Those that deferred their coverage June 30, 2014 or earlier will still be able to defer
June 30, 2014 – End of retiree benefits, other than self-pay if between ages 55 and 65 when retire from the District
Those that deferred their coverage June 30, 2014 or earlier will still be able to defer
December 31, 2014 – End of retiree benefits, other than self-pay if between ages 55 and 65 when retire from the District
Those who deferred their coverage December 31, 2014 or earlier will still be able to defer.
The prior eligibility rules governing when a retiree is eligible for a District contribution under collective bargaining agreement between School District No. 1 and the Portland Federation of School Professionals (PFSP) , District Council of Unions (DCU) and Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) will remain in effect until the above sunset dates are met and require that the individual:
Elects early retirement and is eligible to retire under the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)
Has completed at least 15 years of service with the District
Retires from the District and from an employee classification that participates in the Trust and that is eligible to participate in the Trust Early Retiree Plan
Is eligible under a retiree plan option then offered by the Trust.
Retiree continuing spouse and dependent rules
Retirees who qualify for District paid contributions, and have not used all five years:
In the case of the retiree's death, or the retiree turning 65 and aging into Medicare, the spouse will continue to receive the District contributions until the remaining months are exhausted, or they also become Medicare eligible or die. Any dependent children will be included on this coverage, though the District payment only covers part of the spouse's cost. If the spouse subsequently also ages into Medicare or dies during the remaining District payments, any dependent children will be eligible for up to 36 months of self-pay coverage (including the 2% admin fee). After the spouse uses the remaining portion of the five years of District contributions, the spouse and children can move to self-pay (with the 2%) until the spouse is age 65, unless the spouse is under age 55, in which case the spouse and dependents can only elect self-pay for up to 36 months.
If the spouse and their children are on self-pay (with the 2%), and the spouse becomes Medicare eligible or dies, the children can continue on self-pay only until 36 months from the original self-pay (with the 2%) effective date. If the children have already been on self-pay with the spouse for greater than 36 months, their self-pay coverage will be terminated.
If the retiree dies or turns 65 and ages into Medicare, and there are dependent children but no spouse, the dependents are able to elect up to 36 months of self-pay coverage (with the 2%).
In the case of a divorce, the ex-spouse is only eligible for up to 36 months of self-pay (with the 2%). Any step children can also be covered under this self-pay. Any natural born children can stay on the retiree plan with the retiree.
Retirees who do not qualify for District paid contribution, or have used all five years:
In case of death of the retiree or the retiree aging into Medicare, the spouse may continue on self-pay (with the 2%) with the dependents until they reach age 65, unless the spouse is under age 55, in which case they can only elect self-pay for up to 36 months. If there are dependent children but no spouse, the children can continue on self-pay (with the 2%) for up to 36 months.
If the spouse and their children are on self-pay (with the 2%), and the spouse becomes Medicare eligible or dies, the children can continue on self-pay only until 36 months from the original self-pay (with the 2%) election date. If the children have already been on self-pay with the spouse for greater than 36 months, their self-pay coverage will be terminated.
In the case of a divorce, the ex-spouse is only eligible for up to 36 months of self-pay (with the 2%). Any step children can also be covered under this self-pay. Any natural born children can stay on the retiree plan with the retiree.
Early Retirees — Not Eligible for District Contribution
Individuals not eligible for a District contribution may still be eligible to participate in a Trust Early Retiree Plan if they meet the following requirements:
Retire from the District and are in an employee classification that participates in the Trust and that is eligible to participate in a Trust Early Retiree Plan
Are eligible to receive a retirement benefit under the PERS
Apply within 60 days of their effective date of retirement from the District.
This labor organization previously was known as Portland Federation of Teachers and Classified Employees (PFTCE).