BACK-TO-SCHOOL: Keep Yourself Healthy Checklist

Are you prepared for a HEALTHY new school year? Be sure to make a plan to take care of yourself—and avoid getting sick, stressed, or burned out. Here’s how:

Physically …

  • Take everyday actions to prevent the spread of germs: wash/sanitize your hands often, disinfect shared surfaces, and avoid touching your face.
  • Get a flu vaccine in September or October before flu season begins.
  • Boost immunity and fight infection by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising daily.

And mentally…

You now have access to a Digitally Enabled Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through PPS. This app (mobile device or desktop versions) offers bite-sized skills training to help you develop resilience, manage stress, and keep mentally fit. Access is confidential and there’s no cost to you. To get started:

  • Download the Uprise Health app on Google Play or the Apple App Store or go to
  • Create an account with your email and employer code OEBB.
  • Complete the Wellbeing Check; then get your personalized recommendations.
  • Begin skill-building with videos, audio, and interactive exercises, get help with childcare and eldercare referral, financial services, identity theft services, legal and mediation services, will preparation and more.

You and anyone living in your household may also chat with a coach anytime or have up to six coaching sessions per situation, per year by phone at no cost to you.


IMMUNIZATIONS: Adults Need Them, Too

Make sure your own immunizations are up-to-date while you’re taking care of the kids’ back-to-school requirements. When you get a vaccine, it sparks your immune response, helping your body fight off and remember the germ so it can attack it if it ever tries to invade again. Here are some of the vaccines that are recommended for adults:

  • Influenza (flu): Protect yourself with the annual seasonal flu vaccine. The best time to get your flu shot is in September and October, before flu season begins.
  • Covid-19: People are protected best from severe COVID-19 illness when they get recommended boosters when eligible.

Your risk for some diseases increases as you age, and vaccines can protect against them:

  • HPV (human papillomaviruses): Protect yourself against diseases (including cancer) caused by this sexually transmitted infection; get vaccinated by age 26.
  • Shingles: If you’ve ever had chickenpox, you can get shingles, a painful rash that develops in 30% of the population. Vaccination in adults 50 years or older reduces their risk by more than 90%.
  • Pneumococcal disease: This bacterial infection can cause pneumonia, bloodstream infections, or meningitis. Vaccination in adults 65 years or older reduces the risk of serious illness and death.

Your Health Plan pays 100% for recommended vaccines received from an in-network provider. It’s easier than ever to get vaccines at your local in-network pharmacy or call your doctor’s office to schedule an appointment and discuss which vaccines are right for you.


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